
PHP Architect, LEMP/LCMP/LAMP stack Administrator

I have excellent ability to manage complex systems and programming, with the ability to turn customer requirements into highly functional online applications, customized and scalable, and excellent ability to turn very accurately the ideas of the Web Designers in well-functioning web pages.

I am able to complete projects either in groups or independently and have excellent capacity for integration and communication within a team work.

I offer customized solutions related to web development and database management for large and small businesses.

Career achievements

  • Sysadmin, PHP, Backend, Frontend09/2013 - NowTelum Media - UK

    Joined during the startup phase to transition from a legacy PHP system to Symfony, implementing session sharing and testing practices during the migration.
    I shaped the project's architecture, introduced Ansible for server automation, and maintained LTS standards for PHP and Symfony.
    Adopted "PHPstan", "Rector", and "php-cs-fixer" for coding standards and streamlined JavaScript with Webpack, integrating TypeScript, Turbo Frames, and Stimulus controllers to modernize the tech stack.

  • PHP, Backend04/2012 - 10/2012Banzai Media Srl - Italia

    I was given access to around 4 million vbulletin forum posts with recipes content. The task was to pull ingredients, descriptions and images from the posts, for some further processing before putting them in two different databases for use in different websites.

  • PHP, Backend, Frontend09/2010 - 03/2011Banzai Media Srl - Italia

    Using Symfony web framework took charge of a full site make over that achieves more than 100,000 unique visitors daily and it is advertised in national newspapers and over the Internet: www.cookaround.com

  • Linux, Apache, MySQL02/2010 - 06/2010Xaround Srl - Italia

    Organized and achieved the move of a network of sites with more than 150,000 daily visitors in a cluster of dedicated servers. It has ensured a continuity of the web service 100% and showed a 54% increase in total site visits and a 45% increase in unique visitors.

  • Linux, Apache, MySQL10/2008 - todayAgile Web - Italia

    Implemented a small private hosting company based on Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL made for my clients, developed to ensure greater freedom of management and configuration of the hosting space compared to the national and International market offer. Since its creation, the small private hosting company has grown from 2 to 16 Dedicated Servers for managing small and large hosting plans.

Skill set

Development Skills

  • Symfony
  • MVC
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • GIT
  • Javascript

System Administration Skills

  • Linux
  • Ansible
  • Nginx
  • MySQL
  • Caddy
  • Apache

Employment History

  • Banzai Media S.r.l.2010 - 2013PHP backend and frontend developer

    Banzai is a company focused on eCommerce and Media. Today it's the second largest italian web player.
    - Building backend and frontend web applications
    - Building backend scripts to automate scraping of contents and images from the company public forums

  • Xaround S.r.l.2009 - 2010Web Developer and Linux System Administrator

    - Organized and made a Cluster of 11 linux dedicated servers with more than 150,000 daily visitors.
    - Developing of a new totally revised version of Cookaround website based on Symfony Framework for the management and the best display of over 20,000 recipes listed.

  • Bawer S.r.l.2009Web Developer

    - Development of a new totally revised version of Bawer website based on Typo3 CMS for the management

  • Lionetti Travel Agency2008 - 2009Web Developer

    Moved all the websites of this well-known travel agency to CMS Typo3, which has allowed the client to unify the Web management and to organize the editing permissions based on areas of competence of individual operators within the Agency.
    Examples: www.viaggidiarchitettura.it, www.sassiweb.it, www.sassiweb.com

  • Italian Breeding Association (AIA)2007-2008Web Developer and Linux System Administrator

    - Building websites based on Symfony Framework for managing the national database of Italian registry office for horses and sheep: www.anagrafeequidi.it, www.usta.it
    - Linux server for MySQL data storage of national database of Italian registry office for horses and sheep

  • Local Breeding Association (APA)2007-2008Linux System Administrator

    - Linux server for MySQL data storage of national database for all Italian Provincial Breeding Association management software

  • FDT Design2006 - 2007Web Developer

    - www.greentreesales.com
    - www.rosiestheaterkids.org

  • APT Basilicata2006Web Developer and Linux System Administrator

    - Website www.aptbasilicata.it
    - Dedicated Linux Server (LAMP) for website www.aptbasilicata.it hosting

  • ISMatera24 Srl2002 - 2006Web Developer and Linux System Administrator

    - www.centroservizimatera.it
    - www.brecav.it
    - www.metas.it
    - Linux servers installations for different customers

  • Factory Design2001 - 2006Web Developer

    - www.europadivani.it
    - www.coserplast.com
    - www.styling-industries.com


Contact info

London (UK)

Email: [email protected]

Web: cristianosanteramo.me